
Arowana Fish for Sale in the United States

Arowana fish, often referred to as the “dragon fish,” are renowned for their majestic appearance and are highly prized by aquarists around the world. Originating from the freshwater bodies of South America, Southeast Asia, and Australia, these fish have captivated the interest of collectors and enthusiasts due to their striking scales, elongated bodies, and graceful swimming patterns. In the United States, the demand for Arowana fish has surged, leading to an increase in availability through various channels. This article aims to provide comprehensive insights into purchasing Arowana fish in the United States, ensuring enthusiasts can find and maintain these extraordinary creatures with confidence.

Types of Arowana Fish Available

Asian Arowana

The Asian Arowana is among the most sought-after varieties, known for its vibrant colors and cultural significance. They come in several color variants, including gold, red, and green, each with unique appeal and value. Due to their endangered status, Asian Arowanas are often more expensive and come with strict import regulations.

South American Arowana

The Silver Arowana from South America is a popular choice due to its availability and lower cost compared to its Asian counterpart. Known for their silver sheen and agility, these fish can grow up to three feet in length, requiring spacious tanks.

Australian Arowana

The Jardini Arowana and Leichardti Arowana are the prominent varieties from Australia. These fish are admired for their robust build and unique coloration, which can range from gold to pink hues. They are relatively hardy and easier to care for, making them ideal for beginner aquarists.

Where to Buy Arowana Fish in the United States

Online Retailers

Several reputable online retailers specialize in exotic fish, including Arowana. Websites like, Aquabid, and Petco offer a variety of Arowana species with detailed descriptions and care guides. Purchasing from these platforms ensures a wide selection and the convenience of home delivery.

Specialty Fish Stores

Specialty fish stores often carry Arowana fish and provide expert advice on their care. Stores such as The Wet Spot Tropical Fish in Oregon and Pacific Aquarium & Plant in New York are known for their extensive collections and knowledgeable staff who can assist with selecting the right Arowana for your aquarium.

Aquarium Shows and Conventions

Aquarium shows and conventions are excellent venues for purchasing Arowana fish. Events like the Aquatic Experience in New Jersey and the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) offer opportunities to buy directly from breeders and interact with experts.

Caring for Your Arowana Fish

Tank Requirements

Arowana fish require large tanks due to their size and active nature. A minimum of 250 gallons is recommended for a single adult Arowana. The tank should be equipped with a sturdy lid, as Arowanas are known to be excellent jumpers. High-quality filtration, regular water changes, and proper aeration are crucial to maintaining a healthy environment.

Water Parameters

Maintaining optimal water parameters is vital for the health of Arowana fish. The recommended water temperature is between 75-82°F, with a pH level of 6.5-7.5. Regular monitoring and adjustments are necessary to prevent stress and disease.

Diet and Feeding

Arowana fish are carnivorous and require a diet rich in protein. Their diet can include live foods such as feeder fish, shrimp, and insects, as well as high-quality pellets designed for carnivorous fish. It’s essential to provide a varied diet to ensure balanced nutrition and to avoid overfeeding, which can lead to health issues.

Health and Disease Prevention

Arowana fish are susceptible to common freshwater fish diseases, such as ich, fin rot, and swim bladder disorders. Quarantine new additions to the tank and maintain good water quality to prevent outbreaks. Regular health checks and prompt treatment of any signs of illness are crucial for keeping your Arowana healthy.

Breeding Arowana Fish

Breeding Arowana fish in captivity is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. These fish are mouthbrooders, meaning the male carries the fertilized eggs in his mouth until they hatch. Breeding requires precise conditions, including a large, well-maintained tank, optimal water parameters, and a diet rich in live foods to stimulate spawning behavior. It is recommended to work closely with experienced breeders to increase the chances of successful breeding.

Legal Considerations

It is important to be aware of the legal aspects of owning and importing Arowana fish in the United States. Some species, particularly the Asian Arowana, are listed under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and require special permits for import and ownership. Always check local regulations and ensure compliance to avoid legal issues.


Owning an fish is a rewarding experience for any aquarist. These magnificent fish require careful consideration and dedication to their care, but their stunning beauty and unique behavior make them a worthwhile addition to any aquarium. By understanding the types of Arowana available, knowing where to purchase them, and providing the proper care, enthusiasts in the United States can successfully keep and enjoy these exceptional creatures.

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