Buy Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana online Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana for sale online.
This group of fish are occasionally (rather strangely) called “BONY TONGUES” due to a toothed plate of bone that they carry the lower part of their mouth. Because of their appearances, arowanas are additionally sometimes recognized (specifically in Asian countries) as “dragon fish” or “shui long” in Chinese.
Mythology tells us that AROWANAS bring good luck, given that they look like a typical Chinese dragon. They’re highly predative fish that you’ll frequently see elegantly patrolling the surface of the water Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana For Sale It is crucial that the aquarium has a tight suitable as well as secured lid that is incredibly solid. Many an Arowana have been shed this way.
Buy Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana Online. They are more common and more affordable than Cross-Back Gold Asian Arowana since they are more abundant in the wild, as well as the fact that they are not as “Gold” as the Cross-Back Golden Asian Arowana.
They are also a little more aggressive Cross-Back Golden Arowana which they otherwise have many of the same traits as. Due to the large coverage, there can be a lot more difference in these than in other Asian Arowana. Most are grayish green, and have a head that is larger and rounder then other varieties buy Golden Crossback Arowana affordable price with free shipping options.
Details about Gold Arowana |
Malaysian Golden Crossback Arowana for sale online. Inhabiting the inland waters of South America, Southeast Asia, and Australia.
These fish have elongated bodies covered with large scales and a distinct pair of barbells protruding from the tip of their lower jaw.Folklore tells us that arowanas bring luck, since they resemble a traditional Chinese dragon. They’re highly predatory fish that you’ll often see elegantly patrolling the surface of the water. Considering the ‘classic’ look for Asian arowanas, the red tail golden arowana is one of the most sought after of any arowana species.
And no wonder, since it looks so striking: It has deep red fins with golden scales covering more than half of its body. But RTGs are different from all the other arowanas in that their beautiful golden scales (which experts refer to as the shine) will never grow past the fourth row of scales from their belly. The scales without shine are usually a dull dark gray color.
High Back Arowana: High Back Arowanas typically have a more pronounced golden shine that covers a larger portion of their body.The term “Crossback” refers to the specific pattern of the scales. The Crossback variety has less shine compared to High Backs but often features a more intricate pattern.

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